Monthly Archives: February 2014

Share Great Content, Avoid Plagiarism By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-37Plagiarism is defined as a crime for stealing or owning a work from other people. This crime is one of the hardest problems to be solved for over centuries. In modern day, this crime becomes tougher to be solved because no one can watch who will your steal or copy your work.

As a matter of fact, anyone can commit plagiarism, especially in online marketing and SEO. So John Phanchalad advises everyone that before sending your write ups to your target readers, proofread your work and include your sources.

As much as possible, avoid putting all phrases written by your sources. To avoid plagiarism, here are simple steps that you need to remember:

• Leave a a link that will direct you readers to another page. If a statement focuses on someone’s point of view, set external links of the author so your readers know where the original source of your article and they will open it.

• Label each link by using “Title” tag. This will briefly explain where you’re sending them (for example, place your mouse near this text). On social media, mention the name of the author when you write a caption on your status update.

• Write your own opinion, especially for introduction. Sharing opinion, and even for the conclusion or ending of your content. Put your own slant on things when giving credentials to the original authors to your readers and why you think it is beneficial information.

• Be the one to lead the way by using the permalink (“permanent link”) for each specific post, rather than the blog’s main page

If you need to share a quote from an author or famous people, here are a few things to keep in mind:

• Keep it brief.
• Check your source.
• Be a journalist by approaching them for a quick comment or interview of your topic
• Always give a reason to inspire yourself.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John PhanchaladClick Here.

Internet Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-35Nowadays, it is essential for business owners to create a website for their business, this is especially true for small and medium enterprises. Nowadays, consumers search the internet to verify here-says or word of mouth about a certain product or service. Thus, not having a website is a redflag for your business. Through your website, you could have had the chance to defend your product or service if it were a bad word of mouth. Or through the website, you could have had the chance to showcase the best of the best in your business.

My business only has local consumers, do I even need to make my own website?

Considering that you only have local customers, the more you need to have a website. Think of this like an asset adding value to your business. By having a website your loyal local customers will be developing a deeper trust and confidence in your business. In addition to a well-developed trust, you are also giving your business the chance to touch the international market where you can gain new trust and confidence with new consumers.

How Can You Start Making Your Own Website Even of You Only Have a Small Business?

Since you have a small business, hiring a web designer or an IT enthusiast wouldn’t be very practical because salaries for these professionals are very expensive. Nonetheless, what you can do is to go to a web hosting site and create your own website. A basic knowledge in html is needed to create a site. First, you may create a main page that contains the overview of your business. Second, create other web pages that highlights your products and services. It is also important that you add some visuals like photos or videos to show the best of your business and also to add aesthetics to the webpages.

If you need more help in creating a website for your small or medium business, you may consult John Phanchalad, an expert online marketer.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John PhanchaladVisit Website.

Traditional, But Never Gets Old By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-34Marketing is still the vital strategy for business. It doesn’t matter how technology improves. Marketing will never be forgotten as it is flexible and also changes.

Whatever ways you want to execute, always remember that marketing is never forgotten. Since in modern day, most people are engaged in social media. If they want news, all they need to do is to sign in to Facebook or Twitter. It is also a source of entertainment because many people share videos.

Obviously, social media platforms are the best places to communicate with your prospects and customers. Since these are created for communication, the marketing competition here is producing quality content. It can either in a form of an essay or long post, short captions with pictures like memes, or simply direct topic or question to ther target audience by posting poll questions.

Content marketing’s purpose is to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating relevant and valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior.Your content must also targeted the audience of your competitors. The power of creativity will help you convince them how better you are than your competitor.

Content marketing is considered as the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling and nagging. Or sound like a desperate salesman. Soft selling is best combine with marketing. So instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information to educate buyers and create viral information without saying bad words to your competitors. It might not be easy for beginners sell without pitching their products and services online. That’s why John Phanchalad and his team are ready for those who need online marketing advice and guidelines.

Content marketing is not actually new. It is already being used in newspapers and magazine. It is being used by some of the greatest marketing organizations in the world, including P&G, Microsoft, Cisco Systems and John Deere. It’s also developed and executed by small businesses and one-person shops around the globe. Why? Because it works.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, Click Here.

Importance Of Customers Feedback By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-33Though we are living in an era of online marketing where ‘Content Is A King’, John Phanchalad said the feedback of your customers (and also your audience and haters) are vital so you can make way to improve your marketing strategy.

Your business is not actually all about you. Remember, you built it for the customers, and they are the priorities. And next is priority is, you for the profit. If you treat well your customers and always make a way to reach their satisfaction, no wonder that they will always avail your products and services. But the question here now is, how can you know what are the areas that you need to improve? Well, the only people who can answer that are your customers, and the end result also the reaction of your customers plus your prospects. So treat them as your bosses.

For you to be able to know their concerns, let them speak on your social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter), build a comment box on your website, or let them send you an email. Read all their feedbacks, comments, and even their suggestions. As a matter of fact, your clients can see the things that need an improvement.

The things that you need to let your customers are:

Let them know that they are being listened to

Let them feel that they are free to speak to you, not their social channels. Usually misinformation can be gotten from the social channels. If they have an access to talk to you directly, so they can tell all their concerns.

It is also important that you practice engaging with customers beyond your website. Be active on your social media accounts as most of them are using it every day. Moreover, you can get prospects and increase your brand awareness.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

Never Entertain Plagiarism By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-32Plagiarism is a crime for writers. It is equivalent of stealing investments. For writers, the investments are the ideas and craft that they gather to build a great content.

In reality, especially online it is difficult to find out who are those copying a content. Plagiarism is not new in online marketing and SEO. It is actually the number one Black Hat SEO strategy.

No wonder why Google created updates. These updates are specially created to fight spam, duplicated contents, and other Black Hat SEO techniques.

According to John Phanchalad, marketers and SEOrs should avoid plagiarizing copy as Googe automatically panalyzes anyone who will violate their guidelines. To avoid plagiarizing content, here the steps:

Take Your Time In Writing Any Topic. Remember your school days where everyone is rushing to finish projects before 2 or 3 days of deadlines. Usually,students commit plagiarism as they are rushing to finish their reports as they don’t have enough time to think about how to write creatively. To avoid rushing on the day of the deadline, practice managing your time by organizing your schedule so you can  give yourself enough time to research, write, and rewrite every time.

Read Multiple Sources So You Have Options On Which Topic You Should Focus On.  By reading many different sources, it will be easier for you to combine all that information that you got into content that is not only original, but also informative and useful.

Give Credits To Author.   If your source was from a website, include multiple links if needed within a post.

Paraphrase. You have to think and create your own word in explaining a topic and of course your thought.

Multiple Drafts.In this way, you can avoid stealing other writers’ words and polishes your own words to make your post more coherent with each revision.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit