The New Wave in Marketing: Personalization By John Phanchalad

john-phanchalad-14These days, consumers are totally desensitized to old marketing ways. The mass marketing idea is nearly dead, and if you expect to survive online (where you will find users skew toward the younger), you will want to learn more about personalization of campaigns, websites, and more. But what if you know nothing about this type of marketing? We can tell you how John Phanchalad and JP Digital Tech can help to integrate this marketing technique into any and all of your online marketing.

The Old Way

In the old style of marketing, mass marketing was all about getting your same message out to as many people as humanly possible at once. This meant sending the same messages to everyone, everywhere, over and over again. For a long time, this method really worked very effectively. Because of it, there are some slogans, logos, and more that are instantly recognizable in our minds eye and associated with certain products. This style was extremely popular in the 1980s, 1990s, and even the early 200s. However, this time has passed, as has the effectiveness of this model. Those in marketing today need something new.

The New Way

The new way is all about personalizing the experience, offers, and even marketing for each customer you have based upon their preferences, wants, and needs. This may mean letting them chose the different ways that you communicate with them, when you communicate with them, what content you send their way, and even how your website appears. You can personalize layout, email or text alerts, landing pages, social interaction, and display. This is especially important when dealing with younger audiences. Those 18-34 years old are over half as likely to purchase from you if you have implemented personalization.

Need Help with Personalization?

Do you want to learn more about what you can do with personalization when it comes to your online presence? If so, you should contact John Phanchalad and the people at JP Digital Tech today. They can help to design, implement, test, and gather consumer data to help make personalization feasible for your company. They may also be able to help you with all other aspects of your internet marketing scheme, such as social media, email campaigns, content, blogs, websites, and much more. Give them a call today and let them know what you want the internet to do for your business.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By John Phanchalad, visit

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